8030 . 2022.02.23 |
beim kohlehydrat. bedienen sie sich. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
groehl - die sache wird immer amuesanter February 17, 2005, 15:43 . aus: aufgegabelt [edit:] ohne subscription da: Bush's Barberini Faun by Maureen Dowd d-sprachiges dazu: “Gannon-Gate” - Bushs Pressekonferenz und der ‘Gay-Escort’ 2005.02.17, 16:1 . kohlehydrat . comment link
The Bush White House is the most opaque - allowing the least access for reporters - in living memory. Every news organisation has been intimidated, and reporters who have done stories the administration finds discomfiting have received threats about their careers.(...) salon: There's evidence he got into White House briefings before he was a "reporter." (lesbar mit "tagespass") (...) Thanks to the continued digging by online sleuths, there's now documented evidence that Guckert attended White House briefings as early as February 2003. (...) The date is significant because in order to receive a White House press pass, Guckert would have needed to prove that he worked for a news organization that, in the words of White House press secretary Scott McClellan, "published regularly," in itself an extraordinarily low threshold. Critics have charged that while Talon News may publish regularly, (...) But what's significant about the February 2003 date is that Talon did not even exist then. That means he wasn't working for any other news outlet in February 2003 when he was spotted by C-Span cameras inside the White House briefing room. And that means Guckert (ed: Gannon) was ushered into the White House press room in February 2003 for a briefing despite the fact he was not a journalist. (...) The question about credentials remains key. The vast majority of reporters covering the White House have what's called a "hard," or permanent, pass. To obtain one they have to verify they work for a recognized news organization with job responsibilities covering the White House. They have to submit to a lengthy security background check conducted by the FBI, which can take months to complete and requires being photographed and fingerprinted. Journalists also must verify to the White House they already have credentials to cover Capitol Hill. Without them, the White House won't complete a hard pass request. (...) Yet for nearly two years, it (ed: White House press office) allowed Guckert to circumvent the hard pass system by using a day pass whenever he needed White House access. The day pass requires just a minimal background check. It was designed to be used on a temporary basis, such as for reporters coming in from out of town to cover the White House for a brief period. Guckert, though, with the help of somebody inside the press office, turned the day pass system into his own revolving door. That was when he was at least working for Talon News. To learn Guckert was waved into the White House for fourth estate briefings even before he was affiliated with any kind of news outlet is startling. |
»meine Schokolade besteht zu 85% aus Kakao, fast ist sie staubig, der Rest ist echte Kakaobutter, Zucker und Vanille. Die Billigplörre der anderen Marken habe ich oben beschrieben. (...) Und wenn ich meine Schoko nicht eingefriere, fressen sie die Motten. Was geb ich auf Päpste. Nix.« ©goelzilla ich bin wortkarg, ich...
ich bin wortkarg, ich brauch den like-button. (ich hab erst mein... kohlehydrat . 2/21/22, 5:32 PM ...besser ist es in...
...besser ist es in diesen so bemerkenswerten zwei jahren nicht... mystagog . 2/20/22, 12:46 PM das gefühl hab ich...
das gefühl hab ich auch grad. manchmal bewegt das leben sich... mystagog . 2/5/19, 9:34 AM lebst du noch schatz?
dein ziwo ich treibe imma noch unheil zum missfalllen von tobi kleinwolferl . 5/15/15, 12:36 AM das war auf facebook.
das war auf facebook. edit: dort hab ichs aber auch irgendwannmal... kohlehydrat . 6/10/14, 7:03 PM in anbetracht dessen, dass...
in anbetracht dessen, dass täglich fußballfeldergroße urwälder abgeholzt werden, ist... genoveval . 5/26/14, 5:57 PM stimmt, holler braucht viel...
stimmt, holler braucht viel feuchtigkeit und wurzelt auch reichlich und... kohlehydrat . 5/13/14, 3:45 PM ok das ist jetzt...
ok das ist jetzt peinlich und vermutlich enttaeuschend. ein holler ist... kohlehydrat . 5/13/14, 3:40 PM Ist ja auch eine...
Ist ja auch eine Art Wurzelbehandlung. Wasser wird er viel... boomerang . 5/13/14, 12:25 PM |