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![]() »electronic voting angst« November 09, 2004, 12:47 . aus: aufgegabelt ... there was no struggle to get this story on the air (...) between the 8 PM ET start of the program and 10:30 PM ET last night, we received 1570 emails (none of them duplicates or forms, as near as I can tell). 1508 were positive, 62 negative. Well the volume is startling to begin with. (...) Interestingly, none of the complaining emailers took issue with the remarkable results out of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. In 29 precincts there, the County’s website shows, we had the most unexpected results in years: more votes than voters. I’ll repeat that: more votes than voters. 93,000 more votes than voters. (...) And in the continuing saga of the secret vote count in Warren County, Ohio (outside Cincinnati), no protestor offered an explanation or even a reference, excepting one sympathetic writer who noted that there was a “beautiful Mosque” in or near Warren County, and that a warning from Homeland Security might have been predicated on that fact. (...) “About three weeks prior to elections,” Ms. South (ed note: President of the Warren County Commissioners) stated, “our emergency services department had been receiving quite a few pieces of correspondence from the office of Homeland Security on the upcoming elections. (...) we were informed that on a scale from 1 to 10, the tri-state area of Southwest Ohio was ranked at a high 8 to a low 9 in terms of security risk. Warren County in particular, was rated at 10 (with 10 being the highest risk). Pursuant to the Ohio revised code, we followed the law to the letter that basically says that no one is allowed within a hundred feet of a polling place except for voters (...) (...) Back to those emails, especially the 1508 positive ones. Apart from the supportive words (my favorites: “Although I did not vote for Kerry, as a former government teacher, I am encouraged by your ‘covering’ the voting issue which is the basis of our government. Thank you.”), the main topics were questions about why ours was apparently the first television or mainstream print coverage of any of the issues in Florida or Ohio. I have a couple of theories. more ![]() 2004.11.09, 13:58 . kohlehydrat . comment link
Spurred by the unwillingness of the broadcast media to report voting problems during the 2004 election race, we want to alert our friends, family and colleagues to the widespread voter suppression and disenfranchisement that occurred in Broward County, Florida. We staffed the emergency hotline for the Kerry Campaign Headquarters in Broward County from late October through the election. (...) Many of the calls to our hotline were from voters who had pressed the "Kerry" button on their electronic voting screen, only to have "Bush" light up as the candidate they had chosen. In some cases, this would happen repeatedly until about the 5th or 6th time the voter pressed "Kerry" and eventually his name would light up. In other cases, the voters pushed "Kerry" but were later asked to confirm their "Bush" vote. We had calls about a road block, put up by the police at 7am on November 2, which blocked road access to two precinct locations in majority black districts. There was no justification for the road block -- no accident or crime scene or construction. (...) more see On The Front Lines in Florida (lang, aufzaehlung, einiges interessantes neues, etcuswusf, schmankerl:)
On election night, Peter Jennings looked measurably surprised when he learned that President Bush had provided a tape of himself, sitting in the White House, commenting on his impending victory. It was an unprecedented move. No sitting president had ever addressed the nation while polls were still open. It was just not done. But there was George, exuding confidence, offering an election day reminder of our leader's legitimacy. (...) Why did he appear on TV to assure Americans that victory was his? And why did the federal government advise Ohio's Warren County to prevent the media from watching the vote count? Did it have anything to do with the fact that the Warren results were among the last tallies to help Bush "win"? These questions are as much of a mystery as the bump on Bush's back during the debates. But the unraveling saga of election 2000-style fraud, suppression and disenfranchisement is becoming clearer by the day. (...) by Maureen Farrell - Another Rigged Election? The Elephant in the Voting Booth ![]() countdown tv beitrag hier (16 min). ![]() |
![]() Die Billigplörre der anderen Marken habe ich oben beschrieben. (...) Und wenn ich meine Schoko nicht eingefriere, fressen sie die Motten. Was geb ich auf Päpste. Nix.« ©goelzilla ich bin wortkarg, ich...
ich bin wortkarg, ich brauch den like-button. (ich hab erst mein... kohlehydrat . 2/21/22, 5:32 PM ...besser ist es in...
...besser ist es in diesen so bemerkenswerten zwei jahren nicht... mystagog . 2/20/22, 12:46 PM das gefühl hab ich...
das gefühl hab ich auch grad. manchmal bewegt das leben sich... mystagog . 2/5/19, 9:34 AM lebst du noch schatz?
dein ziwo ich treibe imma noch unheil zum missfalllen von tobi kleinwolferl . 5/15/15, 12:36 AM das war auf facebook.
das war auf facebook. edit: dort hab ichs aber auch irgendwannmal... kohlehydrat . 6/10/14, 7:03 PM in anbetracht dessen, dass...
in anbetracht dessen, dass täglich fußballfeldergroße urwälder abgeholzt werden, ist... genoveval . 5/26/14, 5:57 PM stimmt, holler braucht viel...
stimmt, holler braucht viel feuchtigkeit und wurzelt auch reichlich und... kohlehydrat . 5/13/14, 3:45 PM ok das ist jetzt...
ok das ist jetzt peinlich und vermutlich enttaeuschend. ein holler ist... kohlehydrat . 5/13/14, 3:40 PM Ist ja auch eine...
Ist ja auch eine Art Wurzelbehandlung. Wasser wird er viel... boomerang . 5/13/14, 12:25 PM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |